Tracked flips of:DuckonQuack_GOAT

Total Profit:-20,936,906 Coins

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Only auctions sold in the last 7 days are displayed here.
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⚚ Heroic Spirit Sceptre ✪✪✪
-7,497,843 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 17 hours ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-556,200
WITHER essence x170 to add 3 stars-441,643
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Withered Daedalus Axe
+4,641,452 Coins

Finder: ExternalSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,141,200

Withered Giant's Sword ✪✪✪
-302,937 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-5,006,200
Enchant looting 4-1
Enchant ultimate_soul_eater 3-4,111,246
Enchant thunderlord 6-1
Enchant lethality 6-1,014
Reforge withered added-1,960,522
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-859,951
WITHER essence x525 to add 3 stars-1,364,002
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Wand of Atonement
-1,261,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-161,200

Auto Recombobulator
-2,601,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-201,200

⚚ Heroic Glacial Scythe ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,102,400 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,441,200
Listing attempt 58000000-1,161,200
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[Lvl 73] Blaze
+15,877,480 Coins

Finder: ExternalSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-991,200
Exp cost for 2597923.593173487 exp-131,320
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Boots ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,581,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 4 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-81,200

⚚ Shadow Assassin Helmet ✪✪✪✪✪
-6,225,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-25,200

Fabled Giant's Sword ✪✪✪✪✪
-13,701,458 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-5,496,200
Enchant critical 60
Enchant ultimate_combo 5-65,000
Enchant looting 4-10
Enchant fire_aspect 3-107,866
Enchant life_steal 4-9,046
Enchant giant_killer 6-831,236
Enchant thunderlord 6-2
Enchant sharpness 6-1,136,626
Reforge Fabled added-2,051,155
Used BOOK_OF_STATS to upgraded stats_book to 3657-2,669,979
Used 5x FUMING_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15-6,184,069
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15-878,571
WITHER essence x2325 to add 5 stars-6,090,337
Used RUNE_BLOOD_2 to upgraded RUNE_BLOOD_2 to 1-7,000
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Chestplate ✪✪✪✪
-3,201,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-201,200

⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Leggings ✪✪✪✪
-1,981,200 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-81,200

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