Tracked flips of:Super__Samus

Total Profit:-3,319,235 Coins

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Fortunate Mithril Drill Sx-r326
-1,164,087 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-526,200
Enchant fortune 4-95,063
Enchant ultimate_flowstate 3-42,824
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Auspicious Gemstone Gauntlet
-2,155,148 Coins

Finder: CraftCostSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-751,200
FINE JADE gem added-30,098
FINE AMBER gem added-29,849
FINE SAPPHIRE gem added-30,976
FINE AMETHYST gem added-31,209
FINE TOPAZ gem added-31,826
Used AMBER_POWER_SCROLL to upgraded power_ability_scroll to AMBER_POWER_SCROLL-1,250,000
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