Tracked flips of:FO55IL_BL4ZE

Total Profit:1,968,837 Coins

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Heated Jasper Drill X
+1,968,837 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,861,170
crafting material TREASURITE x100-7,157,860
crafting material FLAWLESS_JASPER_GEM-7,249,987
crafting material MAGMA_CORE x16-12,899,188
crafting material FLAWLESS_TOPAZ_GEM-2,063,237
crafting material GEMSTONE_MIXTURE x3-4,800,547
crafting material MAGMA_CORE x8-6,449,594
Listing attempt 67369000-1,348,580
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