Total Profit:-11,307,536 Coins
Finder: StonksSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,042,200 |
Recombobulator | -11,498,069 |
Enchant ultimate_wisdom 5 | -3,814,259 |
Enchant mana_vampire 7 | -5,945,875 |
Enchant rejuvenate 5 | -490,352 |
Enchant feather_falling 10 | -100,000 |
Reforge Necrotic added | -658,998 |
Used 5x FUMING_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15 | -8,291,065 |
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15 | -841,759 |
WITHER essence x1200 to add 5 stars | -3,324,960 |
You can get flips further in the past with Premium.